Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vamp (1986)

Vamp (1986)

"Grace Jones is looking for a few good men."

I remember seeing Vamp in the mid eighties and I remember enjoying it at the time. I haven't seen it since then. I'm left the impression that it was campy and fun and that Grace Jones made a good vampire. The leads were fun and the girl-in-distress was hot. I'm going to be putting this on my to-see list for a revisit.

IMDB provides the following: "Two fraternity pledges go to a sleazy bar looking for strippers to entertain their college friends. They have problems with transportation, Biker gangs, and worst of all, the staff of the bar, all of whom seem to be vampires, with Grace Jones playing the head vampire."

Vamp stars Chris "My Bodyguard" Makepeace, Robert "A Nightmare on Elm Street 2" Rusler and Gedde "Sixteen Candles - Long Duck Dong" Watanabe. DeDee Pfeiffer also stars along with, of course, Grace Jones.

See the trailer below:

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