In 1972, Amicus Productions released Tales from the Crypt directed by Freddie Francis from a screenplay by Milton Subotsky. The tag line reads "Death Lives in the Vault of Horror" which is ironic since the next film from Amicus was titled Vault of Horror.
The story follows five strangers who get lost in a crypt together and meet the Crypt Keeper. The Crypt Keeper weave tales of terror in which each stranger discovers how they will die.
The film has a wonderful cast including Joan Collins, Peter Cushing, Roy Dotrice, Richard Greene, Patrick Magee and Ralph Richardson. The movie has some classic images including Peter Cushing's character rising from the grave and, of course, Joan Collins being chased around by a sadistic evil Santa Claus. The poster also has an astounding image of a skull with an eye remaining it one of its sockets -- even if the image doesn't appear in the movie. Great stuff.
So here it is ... Tales from the Crypt
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